My first post in a shinny new blog is bound to be an awkward one I guess, but let just get this party going and it will get easier.
I will start with a first painting in the new, painterly style I am trying to learn. I did it yesterday after I finished reading "The Painterly Approach" which is still open in my Kindle reader. Yet I already feel like I need to re-read the book from the beginning.
"Quick Breakfast" oil on canvas 6x8 inch |
I'm not sure what I feel about this work. Not being my usual style of painting is hard to consider it objectively. Is true that I picked a still life with a very hard light; in fact the objects were sitting right in the sunlight when I took the shot. But somehow in the photo I liked the light; not so much in the painting.
So, for what is worth this is my first painterly work. Since I'm all set to "master" this approach probably there will be more to follow, and it will be more obvious for me if a work is on the right track or not.
You are more than welcome to leave your opinion in the comments and why not? even some constructive criticism.
Have a great day and see you soon!