Saturday, February 11, 2017

Beach Themed Paintings

I'm preparing for a new exhibition at my local gallery, and the theme is our city. The two main attractions of my touristic town are the mountains and the beautiful sea, so I decided to go for a series of beach paintings.
The artworks are small, mostly 10x10 inch and I tried to maintain a clean, almost minimalist style.
Here is the first of them, oil painted on stretched canvas:

beach themed oil painting

The pic is taken while the painting was still wet, therefore the glare. I will take some better shots as soon as they are framed.
And I will give it a name of course.

Monday, January 30, 2017

More Fluid PAintings

Fluid painting - or pouring technique as some call it - can be a very exciting painting adventure. Let me explain.
First, you must know that it requires a lot of color and there will be many tries until you get the knack of it and can achieve some decent results. It's also a very messy business; I usually have to cover everything around my work area in plastic sheets, including myself, and after finishing I still find smudges of paint in the most unexpected places like my hair or on the fridge handle.
And lastly you must do it in a studio or a separate area of your house, because after the paint is settled and you are relatively content with your results the canvas must lay unmoved and untouched until is completely dry, which can take anywhere between 24 to 48 hours, depending on how thick is the paint.

But the bright side of this whole process is the amazing work of the paint itself. You can never predict how the colors will interact, how will they spread around and the fantastic patterns they will make by themselves. Is like watching the birth of a whole universe, without having to do anything. Here is an example:

The whole painting

Zoom in

Of course that things like the colors you pick, the thickness of the fluids, the proportions used or the tilting angles can and will influence the final result, but the moment you finished pouring and tilting the painting around the magic happens by itself. And is indeed so magic and hypnotic that sometimes I cannot stop trying again and again.
I wish I could do a video of this amazing technique, is just too fascinating too watch. Is one of the few things that I enjoy the process more than the final result.
So maybe you could try it too whenever feel like taking a break from the technicalities of painting and just messing around with colors.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fluid Painting - A New Collection

So here I am with the brand new website address as I promised, hosted by Fine Art Studio Online, shortly FASO. So far I am pleased with it, it seems easy enough to set up a website and the templates are nice and clean.
Also I have a little preview of my latest collection (still working on it) of fluid paintings called "Lost in Colors". Yes, fluid painting; an incredible fascinating and beautiful technique and I'm totally mesmerized by it.
"Rushing to the Shore" acrylic on canvas 20x16 inch
There are more artworks on the website and I will keep adding as fast as they dry (they can take days to completely dry).
So take a look and  check back soon for more fluid paintings.
Laura Green B. Fine Art

Friday, January 13, 2017

Daily Paintings? I Guess Not For Me

I am a person who loves to learn new things all the time.
Ever since I started painting - so many years ago - I've been in a constant state of learning, improving my skill, trying new things. Sometimes it feels challenging, sometimes is deeply satisfying. And some other rare times I learn new things only to realize that I will never use them; they are just not my style.

Well, daily paintings is one of those things that is not for me. I tried it for a few months and I can do it - this blog is the result of it - but I am not liking the results. I'm the kind of person who needs to brood over a painting, to get back with some details, to let it settle for a few days and then return to it. I need time and a specific mood to complete an artwork and be content with it.

So trying to do a painting every day might be productive but the artworks feel superficial, rushed and generally incomplete. When I look back at those works I feel like 90% of them are in need of reworking, more details or even a complete wipe off. Doing a painting in one go is just not my work style.

I admire people who can make a painting every day, and some are doing amazing artworks. But accepting that I'm not one of them is in my opinion an honest acknowledgement of my limitations. It feels a bit like a disappointment but at this point I'm fine with it.

So I regretfully gave up Daily Paintworks website and endeavors, although I truly liked their weekly challenges, and set up my own website. Going my own way is the way! (that came out a bit cheesy but I stand by it.)
A new year, a new website, a new adventure; it feels exciting already. Let me finish some fine tunings and I'll post the link to my new, shinny internet home.
And who says I cannot set my own weekly challenges if I want to?