Friday, January 13, 2017

Daily Paintings? I Guess Not For Me

I am a person who loves to learn new things all the time.
Ever since I started painting - so many years ago - I've been in a constant state of learning, improving my skill, trying new things. Sometimes it feels challenging, sometimes is deeply satisfying. And some other rare times I learn new things only to realize that I will never use them; they are just not my style.

Well, daily paintings is one of those things that is not for me. I tried it for a few months and I can do it - this blog is the result of it - but I am not liking the results. I'm the kind of person who needs to brood over a painting, to get back with some details, to let it settle for a few days and then return to it. I need time and a specific mood to complete an artwork and be content with it.

So trying to do a painting every day might be productive but the artworks feel superficial, rushed and generally incomplete. When I look back at those works I feel like 90% of them are in need of reworking, more details or even a complete wipe off. Doing a painting in one go is just not my work style.

I admire people who can make a painting every day, and some are doing amazing artworks. But accepting that I'm not one of them is in my opinion an honest acknowledgement of my limitations. It feels a bit like a disappointment but at this point I'm fine with it.

So I regretfully gave up Daily Paintworks website and endeavors, although I truly liked their weekly challenges, and set up my own website. Going my own way is the way! (that came out a bit cheesy but I stand by it.)
A new year, a new website, a new adventure; it feels exciting already. Let me finish some fine tunings and I'll post the link to my new, shinny internet home.
And who says I cannot set my own weekly challenges if I want to?

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